Courses Directly related to Dentistry
Other Courses which can earn you more CPD points


cpdexpress offers you a quick, convenient and affordable one-stop-shop platform where you can acquire all your CPD points by means of online courses in order to be compliant with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). CPD points are mandatory in order for you to retain your professional license.

cpdexpress developed an automated platform providing Continuing Professional Development, which Health Care Providers can make use of, from the convenience of their office/home at a time suitable to them.

cpdexpress offers you a wide variety of courses (20-50 per discipline) to select from. Each course is followed by a multiple choice questionnaire (MCQ), which once passed (70% pass rate required), you will obtain CPD points (usually 3 points per course) towards the total number of CPD points required by HPCSA (typically 30 points per annum plus 6 Ethics points which can all be obtained online).

Once the assessment is passed a certificate is issued and will be emailed to you as well as being available to be downloaded immediately or any other time in the future. All the courses which we offer are HPCSA accredited and where applicable health professional can apply for cross accreditation with the AHPCSA.

Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) randomly audits their registered practitioners and if they are not compliant they have 6 months in which to obtain their CPD points.

cpdexpress offers individual courses at competitive prices as well as a package deal at a significantly reduced rate if the professional elects to acquire all 30 CPD points (typically 10 courses) in order to obtain the total number of CPD points required (typically 30 + 6 Ethics for health practitioners)


For more information about cpdexpress and services, kindly complete the form and a consultant will contact you.



082 411 7447


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